All Out, As Is.

I Was Living A Double Life

December 19, 2023 Adia Season 1 Episode 10

Here's a little background to get a better idea of who I am.

Despite being a lifelong Christian and engaging in religious practices, I found myself living a double life, struggling with self-belief and sinking into a deep depression. Even though I knew what the Bible said about me, I couldn't believe those things about myself. It led me to a point where I felt hopeless and stuck.

Can you relate?

I engaged in weekly Bible studies, journaling, and lots of prayer, but something was missing - a belief in myself.

I couldn't speak up or believe I was worthy of love and success. Even though I inspired others, I lacked self-belief.

A few years ago, I discovered a guided journal that prompted affirmations about myself, sparking a profound shift in my mindset.

Have you ever found something that was life-altering and just KNEW you needed to share it?

I realized that true transformation requires self-belief.

I'm now excited about the future, feeling limitless and confident! 
And even better, I can FINALLY believe the things that my Creator has to say about me and live fully in who I was created to be!

NOW I'm passionate about providing guidance, inspiration, and training to help you break through any barriers you may have.

Let's work together to make this your most successful year in every area of life.

I'm grateful to be in a better place now, and if my story can be a lifeline for someone else, it's worth sharing.

Join me on this journey of self-healing, where hope is not lost, transformation is possible, and success is inevitable!

I am choosing to hold this space for 25-30 women, intentionally keeping it intimate so that I can have the time and space to connect with each of you as you begin the new year.

Reserve My Spot, Please! (click here)

The Group Will Include:

  • Daily Training/Inspirational Guidance Videos on multiple topics
  • Daily Personal Texts & Motivations from ME, specifically curated for each woman in the group
  • Access to the e-Book version of "As Is: A Guided Journal" (my first-ever published book)
  • Self-Paced Activities to help you grow and shift

*All material curated and created by me, Adia.

 If this is something you want to FOR SURE get in on, click the link and lock in your spot.
Reserve My Spot, Please! (click here)

More details and group admittance coming right after Christmas, but I wanted to give y'all first dibs on a spot!

Hope to see you and have the opportunity to be a part of your journey!

With Love and Excitement,


I truly appreciate you tuning in and sharing your time with me! I am curious to hear all about your experience and episode take aways! Please be sure to tag @AdiaDance on Instagram, FB, Tik Tok, YouTube and share this episode with your friends to spread the word if you or someone you know has benefited or could benefit from this episode!

It'd mean so much if you'd take a few moments to leave a review so that more friends can find this podcast! Thanks in advance!