All Out, As Is.

F$#@ the Line (Maybe one of the best pieces of advice you'll get this year ;) )

December 31, 2023 Season 1 Episode 11

Hey y'all!  so I am going a little "All Out" (and explicit) on this one brining you on e of the most important messages you might hear as we head into a new year!

Have you ever found yourself waiting for permission to do the things you have your heart set on? Like you feel like you cant move forward without taking the proper steps and having someone or somthing give you the OK that this journey is ok to embark on?

Have you ever been told you had to climb XYZ ladder in order to make it to a place you want to thrive in life or business? 

I've got some counter cultural advice for ya that I live by and it's what has allowed me to build and scale my dance biz and beyond.  

I'd love to hear if any part of this podcast resonated with you! Please reach out and share on social media, making sure to TAG me :) 

I truly appreciate you tuning in and sharing your time with me! I am curious to hear all about your experience and episode take aways! Please be sure to tag @AdiaDance on Instagram, FB, Tik Tok, YouTube and share this episode with your friends to spread the word if you or someone you know has benefited or could benefit from this episode!

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