All Out, As Is.
Brene Brown once said, "One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else's survival guide.” These are my stories; My lessons learned; My experiences. It is my hope that through this podcast you will find grace for your past, purpose and alignment for your future, and contentment in this moment as you live All Out, Your Way... Just as you are.
All Out, As Is.
From Closed Doors to a National Network: The Journey to KIT (Kickstart Instructor Training)
Hey y'all! I am so excited to share with you my inspirational journey why I create KIT Kickstart Instructor Training. When I first got started instructing I had very little help and support and had to pave the way on my own. Throughout the process I learned so many things and I wanted to create a program to help others start teaching or up-level what they re already doing.
I truly appreciate you tuning in and sharing your time with me! I am curious to hear all about your experience and episode take aways! Please be sure to tag @AdiaDance on Instagram, FB, Tik Tok, YouTube and share this episode with your friends to spread the word if you or someone you know has benefited or could benefit from this episode!
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